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ANZTHOR Registry

Patient Information Documents

Phillip Antippa helped build and establish the Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand Thoracic Clinical Quality Registry (ANZTHOR) on behalf of the Australian & New Zealand Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons (ANZSCTS). He is a key member of the ANZTHOR Steering Committee and represents them on the Board of the Australia & New Zealand Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery Research Institution (ANZSCTSRI).

The goal of the ANZTHOR Registry is provide operative data to maintain excellence in standards of Thoracic Surgery in Australia & New Zealand. This data is collected at the three hospitals where Phillip operates – Melbourne Private, Epworth Richmond and the Royal Melbourne Hospital. The data is kept in Australian servers and adheres to the strict guidelines of data management dictated by Australian Health and Medical Research Ethics.

Please take a few minutes to read more about this Quality Assurance Registry in the Patient Information Document.

If you do not wish your data to be included then you will need to fill in the OPT OUT FORM and return it to us.



Thoracic Surgery
Respiratory Medicine
Medical Oncology
Radiation Oncology
Palliative Care
Liaison Nursing
Multidisciplinary Meeting

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Melbourne Thoracic Surgery
Level 8, 14 -20 Blackwood St
North Melbourne VIC 3051
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